ZB Health & Fitness


My Background...


Having been involved in sport my entire life, ranging from fun 4s football, to pro youth football, making the swap to basketball, MMA and then finally rugby. I have experienced first hand a variety of training methods through a variety of different coaching methods. Some easy going, some tough.  Finishing playing rugby in 2018 for a short period of time made me focus my attention to the gym. This led me down the path of powerlifting. Theres some feeling deep inside that made me fall in love with lifting heavy weight, however, I quickly fell out of love with this due to the transformation my body went through. I quickly put on alot of excess body fat because it made me lift more. At my heaviest I was sitting around 135kg. Since becoming a personal trainer at Puregym Stirling I found a better path to follow. General health and fitness. Dont get me wrong, I still have that competative side to me, I fully intend to return to rugby, and I am working my way to compete in a mens classic physique bodybuilding competition. But now i see the bigger picture. There is more to life, and the best way to enjoy life is through following the principles of good health.


Specialise in...


I qualified as a Level 3 Personal trainer in August 2019 but this was only the first stepping stone in my heath and wellbeing knowledge. I am also now a qualified Precision Nutrition Level 1 coach and have other gym based qualifications such as gym based boxing. However, my main speciality is Good Health. Focusing around general aspects of your life instead of what a scale says. Dont get me wrong, we will set goals for you and work towards them, but I very much focus on the bigger picture. Good health focuses on Nutrition and general health and this is what I aim to teach you to the best of my ability.

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